Board Members Present: Gordon Reiselt, Rich Braziel, Jim Montalbano, Craig Wallace, Alanna Apodaca Bob Stembridge, & Elizabeth Doak. Attachment 1

Guests:  John Dewitt, Terry Apodaca, Paul Heh, & Pete Dinelli  Attachment 1

Meeting called to order: 7:00pm

May Meeting Minutes: Approved with corrections.

Paul Heh:  Paul is running for Albuquerque Mayor as a republican.  Paul worked for 25 years in APD and says there is a culture of corruption there. He spoke about how he would supports labor, focus on drug abuse treatment rather than property crime, create new job by being more business friendly, and address water/jet fuel pollution from Kirtland AFB. Attachment 2

Pete Dinelli:  Pete is running for Albuquerque Mayor as a Democrat and has qualified for public financing.  Pete grew up in ABQ, his dad was a barber and his mom was a waitress.  So he has a blue collar upbringing but worked for 34 years as a lawyer and worked in many city positions so he knows how the city works and how to get things done.  He would focus on developing business like the film industry and manufacturing.  Albuquerque has had 0% job growth over the last 3.5 years.  Pete would like Albuquerque to become a destination city and would focus on quality of life projects, increasing law enforcement jobs and returning to community based policing, has an open door policy, supports unions, and would enforce the minimum wage laws. He is ideally suited to work with New Mexico’s Congressional Representatives and Senators to keep KAFB from closing. Attachment 3

Neighborhood News: The May-June Neighborhood News was circulated. Attachment 4

Re Leaf NM – Tree Installation Grant:  John Dewitt said we have to come up with the $6,000 and then get it reimbursed.  Further research on this issue will be undertaken.  We will apply for the Grant while we endeavor to learn more about the financial workings of the Grant Process.

Nob Hill Sector Plan Change:  The Nob Hill Sector Plan Change documentation was sent to us for informational purposes only.  It does not appear to impact the Silver Hill Neighborhood. See Attachment 5

Parking Permits:  There is confusion about the number of vehicle parking permits that the City is going to allow each property to have.  Terry Apodaca is trying to get a copy of the ordinance the City is using to determine the number of parking permits they will be issuing.

Traffic Calming: A Traffic Calming Manual has been issued. This manual is designed to allow residents to identify and work with their neighbors and the City to implement traffic calming methods and systems. Attachment 6

Treasure’s Report: Elizabeth provided the March thru June Treasure’s Report. Attachment 7

Meeting adjourned:  8:30 pm

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