Board Members Present: Gordon Reiselt, Rich Braziel, Tom Ocken, Robert Stembridge, & Elizabeth Doak.  Attachment 1

 Guests: None

 Meeting called to order:  7:05pm

Neighborhood Association Recognition: We have received approval from the City for operation as a Neighborhood Association for another year. This is granted annually after they have received and approved our annual report.

Cheba Hut:  Cheba Hut has applied for a distance waiver of the alcoholic beverage buffer zone requirement around a school (UNM) so they can serve a wine & beer. They are 314.5 feet from the edge of UNM campus.  Cheba Hut is in the University Neighborhood and Gordon will contact them to learn their position. Attachment 2

Senate Bill 61 – This proposed legislation would allow the City to bring civil action against zoning violation as well as criminal action.  It has become very difficult to work through the over crowded criminal justice system which considers zoning issues to be a very low priority. This will be able to resolve issues quicker and easier.  The board supports this legislation and Gordon will write a letter to the sponsors. Attachment 3

SHNA Film Payments: Payments for Filming in the Neighborhood have been going to Don Hancock’s “Not for Profit” corporation (Southwest Research Inc.). Gordon contacted him and received a check for $1,039.

Treasure Report: The SHNA has $2,194.88 in unencumbered funds in our checking account.  Attachment 4

Minutes Approved: The January 2014 minutes were approved with changes.

Meeting adjourned:  7:45 pm


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