Board meeting minutes: 9/13/21

Silver Hill Neighborhood Association
Board Meeting
Monday Sept. 13, 2021

President Don McIver called the meeting to order and conducted introductions.

Board members present: Don McIver, Tom Ocken, James Montalbano, Judy Hudson, Don Fischer.
Others present: John Hudson

Problems with Dummpsters was discussed. Silver Hill has been working with Solid Waste on properties that are problems, but the problem has gotten worse lately. The Board talked about tracking down the property owners of the worst offending properties and working with City officials to crack down on the top offenders.
The shooting in the alley behind 1612 Silver has put a focus on the properties off the alley facing Lead. Some yards can be cleaned out to discourage homeless people from hanging out there. One Lead property owner might set up parking in the alley. James Montalbano will reach out to the Mechanics Union to ask them to make more improvements that discourage traffic through the area.

Don Fischer demonstrated a Zoom system for future meetings. It seemed to work well, though we could use a central microphone so that those appearing virtually can hear everyone in the room.

Neighborhood Cleanup Day is Saturday 9/25/21. Silver Hill will participate, focusing on alleys. Don McIver will organize.
Mayoral candidate Manny Gonzales inquired about attending our meeting in October. Don McIver will respond and invite him to join us.
A meeting on Lead-Coal issues is set for 9/14/21; a study suggests a pilot program of Rest-in-Red, in which all four ways of a signaled
intersection will rest as a red light unless a car approaches. If the car approaches at the proper speed, the light will turn green; if the driver is speeding, the light will remain red to slow the vehicle. Sounds complicated.

We have $2,169 on hand. We could use some Keep Abq Beautiful funds to replace garbage cans that have gone missing. Silver Hill is working with
recent film shoots to pursue donations from the production.

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