SHNA Board Meeting – 11/14/16

Time and Location of SHNA Board Meeting: The meeting was held at the Heights Community Center. The meeting was called to order at 7:10 pm.

Board Members Present: Jim Montalbano, Elizabeth Doak, Katy Braziel, & Rich Braziel. Sign-in Sheet

Zoning – 1611 Lead: There is a dumpster size pile of trash in the driveway for the last 6 months. There was a DEA raid there about that time and several people in the back apartments were taken away. The property owner was taken to court over the neglected property but did not show up at the hearing and a warrant has been issued for their arrest. The trash problem has been reported to the head of City Zoning, Brennen Williams, but he has not acted. Jim will set up a meeting with the SW Command to see if there is anything the police can do to help. Jim will also contact the Safe City Task Force to see if they can intervene.

Zoning – 1911 Lead: This property has a large lighted sign in violation of the City sign ordinance. The head of the City Zoning department, Brennen Williams, has been notified repeatedly but has not acted.

Medians and Parkways: Solid Waste has replace the dead trees and bushes caused by the lack of proper maintenance by the Parks Department. Solid Waste also sprayed for weed in the medians and parkway and now would be the perfect time to reseed. However, because of the end of the watering season, the Board will revisit the possibility of reseeding in the spring.  As we continue to fight for the maintenance of the parkways and mediums, we would encourage all the members of our community to stand with us in demanding that the maintenance that we all pay for in out water bill thru a special add-on is used to maintain our mediums and parkways.

Treasurer’s Report: The Previous Balance was $2,372.51 and there were Deposits of $50.00 and Interest of $0.08. Payment for “Fabrication and Installation of new Tree Plaques” resulted in a withdrawal of $249.92 resulting in an ending Balance of $2,122.59. There is $719.62 Encumbered for HCC, Keep Albuquerque Pretty, Neighborhood Nite Out Grant For Safety, & Signage resulting in an Available Balance of $1,402.97. Treasurer’s Report

Approval of Board Meeting Minutes: Due to the lack of a quorum, the SHNA Board Meeting Minutes for 10/10/16 were not approved. They will be resubmitted at the December Board Meeting.

Meeting Adjourned: 7:55pm

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