Board Members Present:  Richard Braziel, Gordon Reiselt, Elizabeth Doak, Katy Braziel, Craig Wallace, Alanna Apodaca, Jim Montalbano, and Tom Ocken.

Guests: Ian Samsone Oxford Avenue, Terry Apodaca

Meeting called to order:  7:00 pm

Board Minutes: The Board Minutes from 7/11/11 were approved.

Treasurer’s report:  The Treasurer’s Report was approved.

1721 Silver Front Yard Parking:  There is a BMW parking in the front yard without license plates.  Zoning said they couldn’t do anything because of no plates.  We will contact the City to clear up this issue.

Police Barbecue: We will make a $75 donation.  We have an excellent relationship with the police and will work to maintain it.

Will possibly come in under budget.  They want to shift some of the money to the Huning Highlands neighborhood to put in bump out.  Gordon will write letter in support.

We will also send a separate letter to Ike Benton asking that if there is extra money some of it should be returned to the Silver hill side street project.  The COA lost approximately
$250K of our money for this project.

Yale Trees: Trees have not been getting watered from Central to 2 blocks south of Coal. The neighborhood called and got water trucks to provide emergency water and is talking to the parks department about fixing the water system, replacing dead trees, and adding mulch.

Silver Trees & Parkways:  The City didn’t “Weed & Feed” the parkways and medians in the spring as we were led to believe.  Weeds are rapidly taking over.  There are new gouges at the base of many of the trees which is caused by using the big ride-on-mowers and coming too close to the trees.  We are working with the Parks Department to rectify this situation.

Cleaning Alleys & Gold: Katy and Jim with tour alleys and gold with Ernie Metzger from the county.  Low risk prisoners will be cleaning the week of 8/15.


1623 Silver, 1700 Gold, 215/217 Pine: There is a really bad smell coming from 1700 Gold.  Gordon will write a letter about the property.

Meeting Adjourned:
8:48 PM

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